Thursday, April 17, 2008

Speak, See, Hear no Evil

Speak See Hear no Evil, originally uploaded by Capa12.

We had another get together last night with
Aaron to do a photo shoot. This was pretty much all his idea. We took three different pictures of each other and photoshopped them together into one image. So each of us is effectively in each image; either in the form of hands, mouth and chest, or eyes. As usual, Sarah had the best image... seen here in center.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Joei @ Bain Water Treatment Plant

Joei, originally uploaded by LShadrack.

Yesterday Sarah and I joined in with some of our Raleigh flickr friends for a day of photography at the Bain Water Treatment Plant. From what we could tell it hasn't been in use since ~1998 and has since become very run down, but full of character and a great place for photographers. We had a blast and were worn out by the end of it all. It is a huge facility with tons of photographic opportunity waiting to happen. This shot is of Joei Reed on the main staircase. Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Sarah... my love, originally uploaded by LShadrack.

I had an urge to try some creative lighting outdoors after seeing Martin Prihoda's work. I drug Sarah out to one of the fields next to Jordan Lake and shot away. I actually wanted to get the sunset but saw this grass and couldn't resist. Check out more here.