Sunday, January 20, 2008


Snow!, originally uploaded by LShadrack.

Finally got some snow! Sarah and I went out to enjoy it all. This shot was taken on duck hunting land. The E-3 held up just fine in the freezing cold and being covered in water and snow.


, originally uploaded by LShadrack.

This is a shot from the Triangle Strobist meet-up on the 15th. This shot was taken with a strobe shot through an umbrella right of camera.
We got several great shots; check out our flickr account to see more... Links to the right, 2&3

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sarah and high speed flash

Sarah, originally uploaded by LShadrack.

I decided to play around with the high speed capabilities of my E-3 and FL-50R flash, here is one of the shots I liked. Its of an oddly familiar model; for some odd reason she is always around. Very handy and quite beautiful none-the-less. But anywho, it was shot at ISO 200, f4.0, 1/5000 sec with the flash low and to the right.