Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Kari & Keith
Friday, September 19, 2008
Our New Website!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Last month we were fortunate enough to be able to take the bridal portraits of the now Jennifer Hand. We drove down to Bear Creek to a beautiful estate with an incredible house where we did the shoot. Jennifer did a good job of putting up with Sarah and I. This is the shot Jennifer chose for her printed bridal portrait.
Jennifer married Randy Hand today. Congratulations guys! Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey.
Lauren & Jeremy
This past weekend we were fortunate enough to be able to photograph Lauren and Jeremy Woock's wedding. Sarah was gone to Indiana to officiate basketball, so Krista , Cara and I shot the wedding and had a blast. This is a shot we took after stealing them before their first dance.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Lauren's Bridal Portraits
This past Wednesday Sarah, Krista, and I were able to take the bridal portraits of Lauren. We had a beautiful but hot evening and came away with a set of nice shots. Lauren's cathedral length vail makes for a beautifully dramatic image. Lauren's wedding was this past Saturday, so we will have more images to come!
Check out more by clicking 2&3Designs below the image!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Ben and his BMW
This past Sunday we took some time out around sunset to take some pictures of our friend Ben and his bike. We pulled off onto a very short side road, it was only about 25 yards long. Needless to say there wasn't any traffic, thus perfect for pictures. We used 5 strobes for this shot, 3 in umbrellas and 2 bare. The only thing this picture didn't capture was the humidity!
Thanks Ben!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Nikki's Men
This past weekend we had the opportunity to photograph our good friend Nikki's wedding. Her husband Tommy (second from the right) and his groomsman and ushers paused for this shot. Kinda Blues Brothers, kinda Men In Black and a lot of fun! This is my personal favorite out of the formal shots. We shot this one with 3 strobes, one high camera left at 1/2 through and umbrella, one low camera right through an umbrella at 1/4 and a strobe on the floor below the cross aimed up at 1/4.
Thanks Nikki and Tommy!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Top 10!
Sarah and I entered this photo into a photo competition which was voted on by the public and we made the top 10! Now we are waiting to be judged by a pro photographer to see who gets the top spot. The winner gets a $1600 7-14mm lens!! We're cossing our fingers over here. I think we definitely have the most interesting image. We'll see what the Judge thinks...
Here is a link to the Top 10:
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
We've been published!

Through flickr I was able to get one of my images published. In a discussion forum, a writer from "What Digital Camera Magazine," based in the UK, asked the opinions of those who have an Olympus E-3. I submitted my comments and was asked if I wanted to submit them to their magazine. So, long story short, we got the magazine in the mail today.
The picture is one I took on my trip to Kansas City, Missouri for a teacher workshop. It was taken in one of the walkways that connect surrounding buildings called "The Link."
Here is the original:
Monday, May 12, 2008
Jenna's Bridal Portraits
We recently were blessed to be a part of Ben and Jenna Sugg's wedding this past weekend. They are an absolutely awesome couple and we enjoyed working with them every step of the way.
Earlier this month we shot Jenna's Bridal portraits at Duke Gardens. The second one is the one she chose for her Bridal Portrait. Here are a couple of our favorites.
As for strobist information, we shot all of these with a single shot through umbrella with 2 SB-28s mounted.
Click here for more.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Seeking: Prince, Got: ??????
Or awesome photographer friend Aaron Nace took a picture which my mind immediately related to Sarah and I. So of course we had to do an image in response, since we are also doing a 365. I originally wanted Sarah in my hand as if I had found my Queen. Sarah decided to switch it up, which really adds to the humor of the image.
Day 65 of 365
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Speak, See, Hear no Evil
We had another get together last night with
Aaron to do a photo shoot. This was pretty much all his idea. We took three different pictures of each other and photoshopped them together into one image. So each of us is effectively in each image; either in the form of hands, mouth and chest, or eyes. As usual, Sarah had the best image... seen here in center.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Joei @ Bain Water Treatment Plant
Yesterday Sarah and I joined in with some of our Raleigh flickr friends for a day of photography at the Bain Water Treatment Plant. From what we could tell it hasn't been in use since ~1998 and has since become very run down, but full of character and a great place for photographers. We had a blast and were worn out by the end of it all. It is a huge facility with tons of photographic opportunity waiting to happen. This shot is of Joei Reed on the main staircase. Thanks to everyone who made this possible!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I had an urge to try some creative lighting outdoors after seeing Martin Prihoda's work. I drug Sarah out to one of the fields next to Jordan Lake and shot away. I actually wanted to get the sunset but saw this grass and couldn't resist. Check out more here.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
NY Super Fudge CHUNK!
Oh the joys! Chocolate is one of life's great pleasures, especially in the form of ice cream. This shot is from a shoot done with our friend Aaron. This is the type of shoot I have no problem doing... I mean really, Sarah hanging over my shoulder feeding me chocolate... emmmm.
WE had four lights set up. Two behind us out of frame, one ring flash on camera and one to the side shooting towards the ceiling to provide a hair light. I I think it came out awesome and we couldn't have done it without Aaron!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sarah and I called up a friend, Aaron, we recently met at the last Triangle Strobist meet-up and ened up spending our entire night shooting Reese's and donuts. We had a blast and came up with some fun images. Aaron had many more ideas but we just didn't have time... so... to be continued...
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Old Trains
Krista, Sarah, and I went out yesterday to take some pictures. Sarah had been wanting to take some pictures of some decommissioned trains in Raleigh, so we went down to do a shoot.
This shot was taken through the fuel oil filler hole in the side of the train car. I knew it was a good picture as soon as I looked in the camera. I love the angle. And, as you can tell... I had fun with the post processing too!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Sarah and I started a 365 this month. We will be taking a picture of ourselves together every day for a year. When we have to be apart from one another we will take a picture of ourselves and put them together later. Who knows what kind of ideas we will come up with.... this should be interesting!
This one is day 7. It was inspired by Joe McNally's photograph of Steve Martin.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
We got to keep Jackson for the weekend and decided to see if we could get some nice "pet portraits" out of him. Krista and Gill, went to Tennessee and dropped him of with us. Good thing we had some leftover chicken!!!! And speaking of chicken... Jackson is just that. He was scared to death of the camera, lights and umbrella, but with the power of leftovers we were able to distract him.
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Stars Upward Cheerleading Squad
On the 23rd, Sarah and I were lucky enough to be the photographers for my cousin, Sydney's, cheerleading squad. We had a great time, and as you can see we got 'em to loosen up a bit.
Parents, click here for proofs or ordering more prints, email us for a password:
Strobist info: FL-50R high to camera right with clear gary fong light sphere without the top so a good amount of light is reflecting off the ceiling. Light stand = Sarah.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Link
I recently took a trip to Kansas City, MO for a teacher workshop. This was taken inside one of the enclosed foot bridges that connect buildings around the city. I thought it had some really nice lines... very industrial looking!
This image was taken at the February Triangle Strobist meet-up. As usual, another great meet! I wasn't able to get my hands on a pocket wizard for this shoot, cause we had soooo many people shooting, but I think the result from just the modeling light came out pretty darn well.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I took this of Sarah at a flickr Triangle Strobist meeting under a bridge in Raleigh. I love the complementary colors which really make the image very dynamic.
The Triangle Strobist group is an awesome group of photographers.
Thanks to everyone who let me use their lighting equipment!
Check out our flickr accounts for more.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

This is an image that I restored for Sarah's mother for a scrap booking project. This is only one of many. It provided several different types of problems. Not only with rebuilding the faces where the scratches and damage was, but with the discoloration of the tape along the edges. Getting the couch the right color brown, was probably the hardest part. Overall it came out better than I was expecting... always a good thing.
Click image for a larger version...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
God's Masterpiece
I took this in Charlotte, 02/02/2008. Looked out the car window and saw what looked to be an upside down rainbow, but soon saw the whole picture. Luckily I had my camera, cause it didn't last long. Truly amazing!
Its technically known as a 22ยบ radius halo, which is cause by ice crystals that form in cirrus clouds.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Finally got some snow! Sarah and I went out to enjoy it all. This shot was taken on duck hunting land. The E-3 held up just fine in the freezing cold and being covered in water and snow.
This is a shot from the Triangle Strobist meet-up on the 15th. This shot was taken with a strobe shot through an umbrella right of camera.
We got several great shots; check out our flickr account to see more... Links to the right, 2&3
Monday, January 7, 2008
Sarah and high speed flash
I decided to play around with the high speed capabilities of my E-3 and FL-50R flash, here is one of the shots I liked. Its of an oddly familiar model; for some odd reason she is always around. Very handy and quite beautiful none-the-less. But anywho, it was shot at ISO 200, f4.0, 1/5000 sec with the flash low and to the right.